
179582_bulyovszky_a_bulyovszky-villa_fohomlokzata_both_balazs_felveteleny.jpg A gem on Andrássy Avenue – The Bulyovszky Villa Elegant and spectacular villa buildings line Andrássy Avenue, one of them is the Bulyovszky Villa. The villa was built as a summer house for the famed actress Bulyovszky née Lilla Szilágyi and designed by the young Sándor Fellner. Standing on the corner of Rippl-Rónai Street, the building recently reemerged into the spotlight. The 55% share of the property'S ownership rights, held by the Hungarian Women's Association was put up for auction. The process was suspended in early December, and the Hungarian Women's Association sold its share. The ill-fated villa has thus entered new ownership. Making this the best moment to dive into its past.

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