Győző Czigler

January 12, 2023 at 7:30 PM
According to a British newspaper, the Széchenyi Thermal Bath in Budapest is one of the best thermal baths in Europe. In the compilation published yesterday, the bath's Neo-Baroque building, its medicinal water and its 21 pools are mentioned.
The headquarters of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office is 125 years old
January 3, 2023 at 3:30 PM
The Hungarian Royal Central Statistical Office was established in 1871. For a long time, the institution did not have an independent home and was constantly forced to move. The turning point occurred in 1896 when a legal article was published on the construction of the independent building. The plans were prepared by the renowned architect and university professor Győző Czigler. The handover of the new headquarters took place on 18 December 1897, but the staff of the office only took possession of the building in January 1898.
Market halls, which have been handed over 125 years ago, have become the sights of Budapest
February 15, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Modern food supply was one of the important factors in the development of Budapest into a world city. City management found it essential to have indoor, health-friendly stalls, constantly monitored inventory, fixed prices, and fixed opening hours, but little or no open-air markets could meet these conditions. The market halls were designed to regulate all this: the Central Market Hall on Fővám Square, the Rákóczi Square, the Klauzál Square, the Hunyadi Square and the Hold Street Market opened on 15 February 1897, just 125 years ago.
The demolished dome of the ELTE and BME buildings will be restored
January 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM
The roofs of the historical domes of the buildings of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Szent Gellért Square and the University Square of Eötvös Loránd University are being reconstructed. They were destroyed during the devastation of World War II. During the reconstruction, the roof ornaments connected to the dome will be rebuilt, as well as the demolished sculptural elements.
A place of beauty in the heart of the city – 225 years of Bakáts Square
October 10, 2020 at 12:00 PM
There are few places in modern Budapest where the defining institutions of community life can be found side by side. There may not even be such a place any more. Nevertheless, one-hundred or one-hundred and fifty years ago people believed it was vital that they not have to cover large distances to go to church, drop their Children of at school, reach a hospital quickly or sort official matters out. It was best, if church, school, hospital, administrative offices or maybe even a cinema or social club could be found nearby. Bakáts Square was just such a place.
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