Holy Crown

197078_00_koronalada.jpg Hidden in the Strong Room - This is how the Holy Crown was kept in Buda Castle Today, it is taken for granted that anyone can view the Holy Crown of Hungary. But for centuries it was stored in a closed chest with iron straps, protected by keys and seals, and could only be taken out on special holidays, such as the coronation in 1867, the millennium celebration in 1896 or the Eucharistic Congress in 1938. On the occasion of the return of the fearfully guarded national treasure 45 years ago, Pestbuda presents the conditions under which the crown was guarded in Buda Castle.
The Holy Crown has returned home – Hungarian relics were taken off the American plane to the sounds of the Rákóczi March On 5 and 6 January 1978, Budapest and Hungary became the centre of attention in the international press. The reason for this was that it was then that the United States of America returned the Holy Crown to the Hungarian nation. The Holy Crown was solemnly received in Budapest.
Built as a church of gratitude, demolished by Rákosi – the Regnum Marianum church was consecrated 90 years ago The replica of the Hungarian Holy Crown as a dome ornament was one of the unique features of the Regnum Marianum church, which was consecrated 90 years ago. Twenty years after its consecration on 14 June 1931, the sacral building was condemned to be demolished by the communist dictatorship, and its walls were blown up. There are few Hungarian churches of the 20th century in the Carpathian Basin, whose tragic fate could be associated with as much emotion as the history of the Regnum Marianum in Városliget.

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