Joseph Toussaint

185952_174947_andrassy_andrassy_sugar_ut_a_varosliget_fele_nezve_eloterben_a_nagymezo_utca_keresztezodese._a_felvetel_1878_korul_keszult._fortepan_-_budapest_fovaros_leveltara._hu.bfl.xv.19.d.1.05.107_ny.jpg Inspired by the boulevards of Paris - in 1876 the present-day Andrássy Avenue was handed over The traffic between the inner city of Pest and the Városliget went through Király Street for a very long time. The narrow street was very crowded, as not only the normal traffic passed through here, but also those who wanted to go to the Városliget for a little refreshment. The Avenue [Sugárút in Hungarian], officially handed over 145 years ago, in 1876, today's Andrássy Avenue, along which lavish palaces were built in place of the one-storey houses, was made to aid this situation.

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