
194128_00_20220805_181015.jpg Polish-Hungarian two good friends - the calvary of István Báthory's sculpture in Budapest The friendship between the Polish and Hungarian people goes back centuries, and it was founded by the kings ruling in the Middle Ages. One of the most important of them was István Báthory, who also acquired the Polish throne as a Transylvanian prince. His memory was cherished between the two world wars, and in 1933 - on the four hundredth anniversary of the monarch's birth - there were plans to erect a statue to him in Budapest, which was finally put in place only a quarter of a century later.
A forgotten monument on Szabadság Square - The messages of the Relic National Flag Szabadság Square is still home to many statues and monuments today, and it was no different in the first half of the 20th century. After the Trianon peace decree, the allegorical statues commemorating the separated parts of the country were erected here, and then the National Flag. The latter's idea was formulated in August 1927 - ninety-five years ago - and was followed by action half a year later.
"The architects of the Royal Palace were geniuses" says the re-designer of St. Stephen's Hall As an architect, he redrawn every detail of the St. Stephen's Hall, which opens on 20 August: the windows, historic doors, and parquet floors of the southern connecting wing of the Royal Palace. Tibor Angyal has been recreating the historic ceremonial hall destroyed after World War II for six years and, with experience, he claims that the reconstruction of the Royal Palace, which was destroyed with mad rage and method after the war so that not a single square metre of original space remains, is a historic opportunity.
Three US Presidents remembered in Budapest The United States is electing a new president. As the world follows events across the Atlantic, take a stroll through the US-related buildings and monuments in Budapest.

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