National Casino

January 28, 2023 at 9:00 AM
The young Imre Madách lived in Pest for three years. While completing his law studies at the University of Pest, he also got involved in social and cultural life. He regularly visited the performances of the Hungarian Theatre of Pest, attended concerts at the National Casino, but the highly educated young man also learned to paint, fence, and play the piano in the capital. His first volume was published here. Pestbuda remembers Imre Madách, who was born 200 years ago.
The Pest stations of a life: A tragic fate that befell Lajos Batthyány
October 6, 2022 at 10:00 AM
On 6 October, Hungarians remember not only the 13 generals of the army executed in Arad, but also Count Lajos Batthyány, the martyred Prime Minister of Hungary's first responsible government, who was executed in Pest, in the courtyard of the New Building. An eternal flame has stood at the place of the execution since 1926, a worthy memorial to the count, who gave his life for Hungarian freedom. Batthyány, who became the leader of the opposition during the reform era, moved to Pest in 1841, visited many notable places in the capital, and Pestbuda now collected these on the tragic anniversary.
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