street name

March 28, 2023 at 12:30 PM
Do you know where Diadal Street or Szabad Sajtó Street was in 1848? Not where many would think. During the revolution of 1848, the street names of Pest and Buda also changed.
A world star raised in Buda in the Middle Ages - memories of Bálint Bakfark and the street named after him
December 12, 2022 at 9:00 AM
In the heyday of the Renaissance, a lute artist educated in Buda went on a European tour to impress the rulers and noble courts of the continent with his brilliant music, even generating sympathy for the cause of the Kingdom of Hungary, which was languishing under the threat of the Ottoman Empire. As a student, Bálint Bakfark was able to see Buda just before the long Turkish occupation. His memory is preserved today by a small street, next to which the medieval city wall stretched.
New interactive map lists nearly 1000 street names connected to Trianon
November 18, 2020 at 2:00 PM
A new interactive map highlights public spaces in Budapest that bare names that refer to territories, settlements, fortifications, ethnographic areas and peoples annexed by surrounding countries as a result of the dictated Treaty of Trianon that ended World War I for Hungary.
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