
195840_181161_urania_az_urania_fohomlokzata._foto_both_balazsnyito.jpg All rooms of Uránia can be visited again After an absence of nearly seven years, the two basement rooms of the Uránia National Film Theatre, which are located below the Main Hall, reopened this month. The Fábri and Csortos screening rooms had to be closed in 2015 due to water damage.
Fabulous East in Budapest at the turn of the century - Turkish architecture and places of amusement The thousandth anniversary of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin provided the basis for the creation of many famous works of art and buildings, as a nation proud of its past lived in an economic heyday. However, the memories of high culture were only a slice of the diverse entertainment industry at the time, and the wider audience also longed for lighter entertainment, which was served by a number of places of amusement. It is interesting how similar they were in some respects.
From Venice to Moorish ornaments – Uránia National Film Theatre turn 125 An iconic building in Budapest and one of the most important works in the oeuvre of the architect Henrik Schmahl has served Hungarian culture and entertainment for 125 years. The unique building with Moorish ornamentation is home to both the Uránia National Film Theatre and the University of Theater and Film Arts. The structure will now be given a new function. With the closing of the Ódry Stage, it will become a theatre for student productions. However, this article will offer a deep dive into the history of this marvellous building and its place in Budapest, rather than the details of a complex reorganisation.

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