Vienna Gate

196712_00.jpg Scandalous background, sensational ending - The Lukács Villa on Ostrom Street is 100 years old The steep Ostrom Street, which opens into the Bécsi Kapu Square, is home to several valuable buildings, which are worthy of the prominent location with their sophisticated appearance. However, the history of the creation of the former Lukács Villa at number 5 is riddled with scandals, but this can also be attributed to the turbulent era. The walls of the villa, which was completed 100 years ago, hide this flaw, and to today's observer, they only tell about the designer's genius.
The newest Vienna Gate is eighty-five years old Eighty-five years ago, in 1936 the Vienna Gate of the Buda Castle was rebuilt. The plan had already been conceived six years earlier, but because of the economic crisis the financial backing could only be secured for that time. The occasion for the construction was the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the recapture of Buda, which was on 2 September 1686.

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