Zsolt Dubniczky

February 19, 2023 at 11:00 AM
In a voice of unclouded happiness, Imre Madách told his brother about the ball at which he danced with the love of his youth, Menyhért Lónyay's sister, Etelka Lónyay, but the unrequited love did not turn into a proposal. Petőfi had the courage to ask the daughter of a rich banker for her hand in marriage, but she offered it to Menyhért Lónyay. In connection with this year's Madách and Petőfi anniversaries, Pestbuda recalls the loves of youth, offering a glimpse into the world of reform-era balls.
This is how Sándor Petőfi and Júlia Szendrey lived in Pest after their honeymoon
January 1, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Sándor Petőfi, who became a young, patriotic poet, moved from sublet to sublet in Pest in the early 1840s, but love and marriage changed his life: he went from subtenant to main tenant. Pestbuda recalls these locations on the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great national poet, showing in which street, in which house, and under what conditions he lived with his young wife after the marriage and the honeymoon.
Where the armed uprising began - The siege of Hungarian Radio on 23 October
October 23, 2022 at 9:00 AM
One of the symbolic locations of the 1956 revolution in the capital was the Hungarian Radio building on Bródy Sándor Street. It was here that the flame of freedom was ignited for the first time in Pest, which spread not only to significant areas of the capital, but also to many other parts of the country, and even to some settlements beyond the border. Pestbuda now revives what happened at the Radio in the recollections of those who themselves were there during the fighting or took part in the siege.
The Palace of the Ministry of Finance was completed 115 years ago
October 7, 2022 at 9:00 AM
It is lesser known that on 7 October 1907, the construction works of the Ministry of Finance's Szentháromság Square palace were completed. The significant construction work took place between October 1901 and December 1904, but the post-construction work continued until October 1907. And several pivotal dates are connected to the construction itself.
The Pest stations of a life: A tragic fate that befell Lajos Batthyány
October 6, 2022 at 10:00 AM
On 6 October, Hungarians remember not only the 13 generals of the army executed in Arad, but also Count Lajos Batthyány, the martyred Prime Minister of Hungary's first responsible government, who was executed in Pest, in the courtyard of the New Building. An eternal flame has stood at the place of the execution since 1926, a worthy memorial to the count, who gave his life for Hungarian freedom. Batthyány, who became the leader of the opposition during the reform era, moved to Pest in 1841, visited many notable places in the capital, and Pestbuda now collected these on the tragic anniversary.
The National Széchényi Library was founded 220 years ago
September 26, 2022 at 3:30 PM
After the foundation of the National Library 220 years ago, the donation of Count Ferenc Széchényi wandered for more than forty years, until it moved to its permanent place, the Hungarian National Museum. Later, the collection had to go from here as well, now Pestbuda will present the different locations in Pest.
Sándor Petőfi lived in several places around the National Museum
March 13, 2022 at 11:00 AM
At the beginning of March 1848, the National Museum was one of the most important places in the life of the youth of March, including Sándor Petőfi. Half a decade earlier, Petőfi's life was also connected to this area at several points, as the main locations of his stay in Pest in 1843 and 1844 can be found in the area around the museum. There were several buildings in the area that no longer exist today, where the poet visited for a short time or was just renting accommodation.
From a noisy apartment building to the palace of the Academy: János Arany lived in many places in Pest
March 2, 2022 at 9:00 AM
Born 205 years ago, János Arany first saw Pest in 1843, but he only became a permanent resident of the city more than a decade and a half later, in 1860 - and remained so until his death. Several of the poet's former homes in Pest still stand today: the two classicist houses on Üllői Road preserve the memory of the poet, as well as the magnificent palace of the Academy, in which he lived for the rest of his life.
The eternal flame has been burning for ninety-five years at the execution site of Lajos Batthyány
October 6, 2021 at 9:00 AM
As early as the 1870s, it was decided that a memorial would be erected to Lajos Batthyány, who was executed in 1849, but while other statesmen received a statue, the martyrdom of the Prime Minister was commemorated with an eternal flame. The monument was built in 1926, and the inauguration of the eternal flame, which still stands today, took place on the day of the execution, on 6 October, with the participation of Governor Miklós Horthy and several public dignitaries.
The Academy operated in several palaces in Pest before moving into its headquarters
July 7, 2021 at 11:00 AM
Renovation of the headquarters of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences will begin soon. The Neo-Renaissance palace was built between 1862 and 1865, according to the plans of Berlin-based architect Friedrich August Stüler, and execution was controlled by renowned architects such as Miklós Ybl and Antal Szkalnitzky. The company of scientists waited forty years for the independent headquarters. The institution, founded in 1825, rented rooms in the city's famous buildings until the palace next to the Chain Bridge was completed.
Lion, sparrowhawk, crane – Ancient symbols from coats of arms tell the story of the past of noble families in the Magnates' Quarter
June 17, 2021 at 9:30 AM
Although in 1947, the communist regime banned the use of noble forenames and badges, including private coats of arms, fortunately, these were not removed from the former aristocratic palaces. Ancient symbols, often dating back centuries, referred to the owner's family, their role in Hungarian history and also served aesthetic purposes on the buildings. In the second half of the 19th century, the Hungarian aristocracy enjoyed building around the National Museum, so several buildings with family coats of arms and their motifs can be found in the quarter. These can be seen in the palaces of the Festetics and Károlyi families in Pollack Mihály Square.
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