Budapest City Council

January 10, 2023 at 7:30 PM
The Budapest City Council announced a tender for the creation of greener, more flowery inner courtyards and the greening of street facades.
Statue of Saint Stephen to be erected in Kispest rather than Saint Stephen's Park
June 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM
The statue of King St. Stephen will not be erected in the park named after him but on Templom Square in Kispest. The mayor decided this on 14 June based on his personal authorization ordered in the epidemic. The authorization was valid until June 15. Earlier, work was suspended in Szent István Park because the work would have taken up a green area even though it would have replaced an earlier sculpture.
First steps to revitalise Népliget made – The largest park in Budapest has been neglected for decades
December 16, 2020 at 11:00 AM
The Budapest City Council is preparing plans for the renovation of the public park known as Népliget and the protection of its natural values. Anyone who visits the park has been invited to share input into the design phase.
A glance into the past – Budapest in 1990
October 31, 2020 at 9:00 AM
For those who have always lived in Budapest, the changes of the last thirty years may not be obvious, the buildings lost and built every little change. Some may not even remember what was on people's minds during the fall of communism, or even just how everyday life happened. On the thirtieth anniversary after the creation of the democratic Budapest Local Council take a glance back in time with PestBuda.
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