
January 4, 2023 at 11:00 AM
On 1 January 1968, Budapest Transport Company took over the capital's public transport from three other companies. Until then, Budapest's trams, buses, suburban railways and other means of transport were operated by three independent companies, the Metropolitan Electric Railway Municipal Company, the Metropolitan Bus Municipal Company, and the Metropolitan Suburban Railway Municipal Company. In addition, the new organisation absorbed the Municipal Shipping Company.
Beszkárt, the capital's public transport company, was founded 100 years ago
December 28, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Budapest's public transport was operated by several companies for a long time, for example, there was a period when the tram services only were operated by three different companies. But 100 years ago, the Budapest Székesfővárosi Közlekedesi Részvénytársaság [Budapest Capital Transport Company], or Beszkárt, was founded, which soon gained control over all the capital's means of public transport.
Farewell to the Ikarus 200 – They defined the streetscape of Budapest for 50 years
October 18, 2022 at 9:00 AM
Budapest will soon say goodbye to a legend that defined the image of the city for decades. BKV is preparing to withdraw the last pieces of a bus family that was perhaps the most important bus type in the world at one time. The Ikarus 200s are leaving after fifty years.
Sixty years ago, Budapest was at a crossroads - the transport of the capital in the 1960s
April 23, 2022 at 2:00 PM
Budapest's traffic was at a crossroads 60 years ago as well as now. Experts sought answers to questions about how much the then outdated public transport network needs to be developed and how to prepare the city for the expected car traffic. Studies have also helped to make these decisions. Based on a work published 60 years ago, we present the transport dilemmas of Budapest at that time.
Buses appeared on the Outer Ring Road ninety years ago - the public could travel for free on the first one
January 25, 2022 at 9:00 AM
The tram has belonged to the scenery of the outer ring road for almost a quarter of a century now. Traffic on the ring road is unthinkable without it, but there was a time when trams were not enough, so from 1932, for 57 years, buses also ran on the Outer Ring Road. They started on 25 January, 1932, just 90 years ago.
The Erzsébet Square bus terminus in the middle of the city centre had been closed for 20 years
October 19, 2021 at 10:30 AM
The Erzsébet Square bus station has not departed and accepted buses for twenty years now. For much of the 20th century, it was still natural for buses to depart from central spaces that were easily accessible to all, but due to changes in urban development considerations, bus stations were pretty slowly pushed out of the inner city core. The Erzsébet Square bus station in the 5th District was also closed down.
A hundred years ago, bus traffic in Budapest resumed
September 23, 2021 at 10:00 AM
In Budapest, after the First World War, bus traffic did not start again until 1921. One hundred years ago, electric vehicles first transported passangers between the Aréna, i.e. today’s Dózsa György Road and Apponyi Square, today's Ferenciek Square. Although many considered the racing vehicles to be a luxury, in the end bus transport gained a raison d’être in the capital.
The Ikarus 66 was an iconic piece of Hungarian bus production – Now we can see it renovated in the Museum of Transport
August 28, 2021 at 12:00 PM
A special bus was presented to the general public yesterday by the Museum of Transport: one of the last ten Ikarus 66 models produced. The vehicle was exhibited after several years of restoration in Kőbánya, in the Diesel Hall of the former Northern Locomotive Workshop. Budapest once expected these Ikarus buses to make transportation faster and more convenient, but passengers in the capital found them uncomfortable.
Another Icarus retires – The 415 family never became popular in Budapest
February 1, 2021 at 9:00 AM
Budapest has just bidden farewell to another bus type: the last Ikarus 415 was recently retired from service. The model appeared in Budapest in 1987 but never became dominant, even though the factory had planned to replace the classic 200 series with the new design. Rather, its role was similar to a substitute player: rarely allowed to shine.
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