Döbrentei Square

198208_198145_fortepan_82299_1_.jpg Tunnels instead of bridges? – An unrealised plan from the 19th century to connect Pest and Buda The plan to build road tunnels under the Danube instead of bridges was seriously considered in Budapest already 130 years ago. Proponents argued that tunnels were cheaper, more sustainable and less militarily vulnerable. This idea was on the agenda for years, but the tunnels were not built in the end.
The asphalting of the Chain Bridge has been completed - the load testing can be started The asphalting of the Chain Bridge, which is under renovation, was completed in a single day, on Wednesday, 9 November. The coating system for the edge of the roadway will be created after this, and the painting of the road markings remains to be done. The load testing of the Chain Bridge will take place on Saturday, 12 November, 24 20-tonne trucks will arrive at the site.
Böske Bridge – The story of Petőfi Pontoon Bridge Following the devastation of World War II a series of temporary bridges were constructed in Budapest to ensure movement around the city. One of these was the Petőfi Pontoon Bridge, which was named after the fact that it connected Petőfi Square in Pest, with Döbrentei Square in Buda, not far from the ruins of Erzsébet Bridge. However, the population quickly became to use the slightly more ingenious name, Böske Bridge, Böske being a common Hungarian nickname for Erzsébet or Elizabeth. The name Petőfi Bridge was later inherited by a completely different structure.

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