
197728_forum_fszek.jpg A miracle in Budapest - The first talking film was greeted with thunderous applause 95 years ago The former Fórum cinema in Budapest played a key role in the spread of the sound film, which on 9 February 1928 presented a work in which people could hear the aeroplane buzzing, the goose cackling and the cows mooing.
The Royal Hotel hosted the first film screening in Hungary 125 years ago Fortunately, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences set the date of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin as 896, rather than the originally planned 895. In 1896, the official national millennium was celebrated with miracles such as the first domestic film screenings. The general public could see the screenings in two places: that of the Lumière brothers were held at the Royal Hotel, and Edison’s were shown in Lágymányos.
Short film showcases new permanent exhibition of Museum of Ethnography The new building of the Museum of Ethnography on the edge of City Park will open its doors in 2022. For this special occasion, the institution is creating new permanent exhibitions. The museum has just released a few-minute-long short film showcasing the preparations and offering a look behind the scenes.

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