Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association

190388_tetenyi_lendvai_csaba_006.jpg The Ornithological Society held a habitat management on the Tétény Plateau The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association held the habitat management in the Tétény Plateau, one of the most locally protected habitats in the capital, mostly hiding steppe meadows. The site in the 22nd District has recently been cleaned of more than 4,000 tonnes of illegally dumped rubbish, but securing habitat for animal and rare plant species requires ongoing maintenance.
This is how they help the birds in the graveyard on Fiumei Road The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association together with the National Heritage Institute (NÖRI) established a bird sanctuary in the graveyard on Fiumei road. The 25 burrows and the feeder are of great help to the nearly 100 species of birds that live here and 40 that breed here, including pine woodpeckers, specimens of which winter in flocks through the trees in the graveyard.

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