Pursuant to the agreement concluded by the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association (MME) with the National Heritage Institute (NÖRI), the association recently placed 25 recycled, self-made type B birdcases on the trees of the Fiumei road graveyard. This is especially helpful for birds in February, among other things, for the large numbers of pines that winter here.
25 troughs were placed on the trees (photo: Csagola Erika / MME)
The Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association has observed more than 100 bird species living here and 40 breeding here in recent years, and the densely deciduous maple species are great hiding places for them. The lower-growing evergreens provide shelter for forest owls from October to March.
Self-feeder in the graveyard (photo: Csagola Erika / mme.hu)
The nests are classified into categories A, B, C and D based on their inlet - we learned from the association. Type B is the most widely used species, including the most adaptable species common in settlements - house and field sparrow - which prefer non-traditional and lower nesting sites.
In addition to supporting nesting birds, experts have not forgotten about wintering birds. A large canopy was placed in the cemetery for them.
(Source: MME)
Caption: Recycled bird feeders were placed on the trees by the staff of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association (photo: mme.hu)
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