National Millennium Exhibition

186124_szent_istvan-terem_mti-szigetvary_zsolt2ny.jpg The Neuschlosz Brothers created the inlaid parquet floor of the St. Stephen's Hall From 20 August, anyone can visit the rebuilt St. Stephen's Hall in the renewed south connecting wing of the Buda Castle. The beauty and uniqueness of the ballroom are enhanced by its special inlaid parquet flooring. But who created this unique flooring? Take a look at the work of the Neuschlosz Brothers.
Vajdahunyad Castle was rebuilt for The Museum and Library of Hungarian Agriculture, founded 125 years ago Vajdahunyad Castle, located on the former Széchenyi Island of the Városliget Lake, has been very popular since 1896. With its special appearance and unique atmosphere, it attracts tens of thousands of visitors. Walking between its walls and characteristic parts of the building, one can travel a long way in time and space from the Highlands to Transylvania, from the Romanesque to the Baroque period. And the walls hide one of Europe’s largest agricultural collections and museums, celebrating its 125th anniversary this year.
Renowned photographers of the era captured the National Millennium Exhibition in the City Park 125 years ago The National Millennium Exhibition in City Park, opened in 1896, is a unique event to this day. The capital has not hosted such a large-scale exhibition since then, which also presents the history, economy, industry, and ethnography of the nation. Thanks to the photographs taken by the famous photographers of the period, György Klösz and Antal Weinwurm, people can still marvel at the beautiful pavilions built for this event, the ethnographic village, the restaurants and the festive atmosphere.
Celebrating the millennial past of the Hungarian nation The central event of the millennium celebrations of 1896, held on the anniversary of the Hungarian Conquest of the Carpathian Basin, was the National Millennium Exhibition held in City Park. The exhibition, which was open for half a year, offered insight into the past of Hungarians and provided an opportunity to present the results achieved during the extraordinary economic development after the Austro-Hungarian Compromise.

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