public transport

196980_fortepan_65634.jpg BKV was established 55 years ago - There was a ticket inspector on all vehicles and one could travel cheaply On 1 January 1968, Budapest Transport Company took over the capital's public transport from three other companies. Until then, Budapest's trams, buses, suburban railways and other means of transport were operated by three independent companies, the Metropolitan Electric Railway Municipal Company, the Metropolitan Bus Municipal Company, and the Metropolitan Suburban Railway Municipal Company. In addition, the new organisation absorbed the Municipal Shipping Company.
Beszkárt, the capital's public transport company, was founded 100 years ago Budapest's public transport was operated by several companies for a long time, for example, there was a period when the tram services only were operated by three different companies. But 100 years ago, the Budapest Székesfővárosi Közlekedesi Részvénytársaság [Budapest Capital Transport Company], or Beszkárt, was founded, which soon gained control over all the capital's means of public transport.
The unified ticket and pass system was introduced in public transport in Budapest 55 years ago By the mid-1960s, there were already 130 types of tickets for transport companies in the capital. The system was non-transparent, and the companies had much less revenue from tickets than the cost of operating the system. Therefore, a new fare system was introduced in Budapest on 1 July 1966, which has actually survived to this day.
Southern section of M3 metro line to be opened on 22 October Renovation of the section began in April 2019 and was completed recently. Four stations of the line have been rebuilt. Its tunnels renewed, the track network, signals and safety systems modernised, alongside passenger information and other electrical systems. The renovated metro section will be opened to the public at 5 pm on 22 October. Following the opening the metro will again run the full length of the line but not stop at its central stations: Semmelweis klinikák, Corvin Negyed, Ferenciek tere and Arany János utca.
Government to create 3000 P+R parking spaces to reduce traffic in Budapest A government decree recently published in the official Hungarian Gazette allows planning of over three thousand P+R parking spaces and storage for at least two thousand B+R bicycles to begin this year. The hope is that the improved facilities will encourage people living in the Budapest agglomeration to travel into the city centre by train or suburban railway and contribute to a reduction in traffic.

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