
193032_193025_buda_te_rke_pe.jpg When the hills of Buda were given Hungarian names - the dűlőkeresztelő [ridge baptism] was 175 years ago Do you know where the Burgerberg or the Feldhut or the Reiche Reid are in Buda? In fact, when they say they have to travel to Dreihotter, no one thinks of getting on bus 21. Today, the districts of Buda bear beautiful, sonorous and sometimes ancient sounding Hungarian names, but this has only been the case since 1847, when almost every area of Buda was renamed in one fell swoop. It was the famous dűlőkeresztelő [ridge baptism].
A park would be created on the site of the former US military cemetery in Sasad A park would be created on Budaörsi Road, on the site of the former US military cemetery. The exact functions are still under discussion, including the possibility of an external exhibition area, which has many valuable shrubs and mature trees.

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