street names

190428_dsc_4117.jpg History on the map - What do Budapest's street names tell us? Browsing the street names in Budapest, the question may arise: who did the streets and squares we pass through every day get their name from? A recent interactive map that can be browsed by anyone can help you navigate the maze of names: for example, it is clear that real people can be namesakes as well as fictional characters, and some eras, such as the 19th century, gave the city far more names than others. We tried out the interactive map and came across exciting connections.
Street signs in Buda bearing the names of famous creators have become richer with quotations In the 2nd district, additional signs were placed under the street signs bearing the names of famous creators. The boards provide quotes either said or written by the creator or about the creator. The street sign named after Sándor Petőfi, Attila József or Kálmán Mikszáth, who was born 175 years ago, became richer with valuable additions.
Dürer in Budapest – The Hungarian roots of an internationally respected painter Ajtósi Dürer Way is a busy and well-known road that runs alongside City Park. However, the roots of its name are less well-known. Albrecht Dürer was a world-renowned Bavarian Renaissance painter with Hungarian roots. His father was born in the Hungarian village of Ajtós next to Gyula, from where he emigrated to Nuremberg, where the famous artist was later born. The Hungarian roots of the painter were a well-known fact in Nuremberg as well. Thus, on the 400th anniversary of this death, a delegation from the city visited Budapest. The Bavarians gave the Hungarian capital a unique statue to commemorate the event, while Budapest named a road after the famous painter.

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