Vizafogó park

November 19, 2022 at 7:30 PM
This year's winner of the Budapest Architecture Award was the Vizafogó Park and pavilion building in the 13th District. The Attila 99 Loft apartment house, the hotel and condominium apartments in the former Józsefváros Telephone Centre, the A15 villa in Zugliget, the Budafoki Zöldike Nursery, as well as the Bakáts Square and surface arrangement of the connecting streets received praise.
The 13th district Vizafogó park was handed over
March 9, 2022 at 7:30 PM
On Tuesday, the 13th district Vizafogó park was handed over. The area is called an eco-park, ie during the planning process, special attention was paid to making it ecologically sustainable. A new artificial lake one and a half meters deep has also been created, which also serves as the main visual element.
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