7th District

197944_4999355b-11da-4b6d-9a99-52fc38ad8205.jpg The last expropriations: Dilapidated houses stood on the route of Erzsébet Boulevard The Outer Ring Road in Budapest was built over a long period of time in several waves. One of the important turning points in the history of the construction of the road occurred in 1888 when the section from Margit Bridge to Üllői Road became completely open.
A memorial year for János Neumann was announced for 2023 On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of the mathematician János Neumann, the Neumann Society announced a commemorative year for 2023, the aim of which is to make the world-famous mathematician's legacy known to as many people as possible. The famous scientist was born in the city centre, studied in Városligeti Avenue, went to university in Buda, and his grave is in the United States.
From the Father of teachers to the hospital of the revolution - Sights of Péterfy Sándor Street Péterfy Sándor Street is one of the characteristic streets of Külső-Erzsébetváros, the so-called Csikágó [Chicago, written as it is pronounced in Hungarian] quarter. It owes its fame mostly to its hospital and the events that took place there in 1956, but its namesake, the Hungarian "Father of teachers", also lived here. Its characteristic streetscape consists of residential buildings with circular corridors built during the Dualism, but it is also in contact with the country's first official kindergarten teacher training institute, a former brewery warehouse and a former market square. Take a look at what this street is all about.
The renovation of the Neo-Renaissance building complex of the University of Veterinary Medicine begins The development of the István Street campus of the University of Veterinary Medicine will begin soon. Several of the buildings on the campus, designed by Imre Steindl, will be renovated. Buildings with a patina are modernised, and their interiors and facades are renovated while preserving historic values.
It was once a steam bath, now a hotel is being built on Kazinczy Street At 40-48 Kazinczy Street in the 7th District, the area on which a 270-room hotel with a two-story underground garage can now be built was created by combining five lots. As part of the works, a section of the street will also be renovated, and the buildings currently standing on the lots will be demolished, so it is expected that the former steel-and-glass block of the Hungarian Dance Academy and the historicising house at 48, known first as a meat factory and then as a nightclub, will also be torn down.
The famous Fészek Klub opened 120 years ago The Festők, Építészek, Szobrászok, Zenészek, Énekesek és Komédiások Klubja [Painters, Architects, Sculptors, Musicians, Singers and Comedians Club] or the Fészek Klub opened 120 years ago, on 7 September 1901, on the corner of Kertész Street and Dob Street. The legendary club has been a popular and beloved meeting place for the arts scene for decades, but is now more of an events venue. Just like the club scene of the old days, the original elegant Art Nouveau building and its lavish décor are a thing of the past.
Hotel to be built on Kertész Street vacant lot The 19th-century residential houses in the 7th District, 21 and 23 Kertész Street were sold in 2004 by the management of the 7th District in a case known as the Erzsébetváros real estate panama. Both buildings were demolished. Apartments were designed in their place, but the idea did not materialise. Now it turns out that a 254-room hotel is being built on the plot that has been empty for 15 years and has been operating as a car park.
Renovation of Klauzál Square Planned The largest square in Erzsébetváros will be redesigned with larger green spaces, a dog park, and a playground. The local council awaits input from residents regarding the plans.
Historical buildings avoid destruction in Budapest city-centre In response to recent events, the Prime Minister's Office has ordered the initiation of listing two buildings as historical monuments of Budapest. All work must stop on the Márványmenyasszony ('marble-bride') restaurant in the 1st District, which hosted the weddings of historical figures such as Széchenyi and Wesselényi and the house on Kazinczy Street, which has become known as Tamás Wichmann's pub. Although the future of these buildings remains uncertain, their history is known all the better.

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