
February 8, 2025 at 3:00 PM
Which ideas and events have shaped the fate of bridges of Budapest and the cityscape? Alongside many other interesting facts, this question is also answered this newly published book by the Budapest City Archives, which introduces the history of bridges in Budapest.
The meeting of a unique sculptor and the cult of Arany - Description of a period with the help of a 130-year-old famous monument in Pest
January 31, 2023 at 9:00 AM
130 years ago the first public statue of János Arany was inaugurated in front of the main entrance of the Hungarian National Museum. In a new book that has just been published, not only is the entire history of the monument and the adventurous life of its creator, Alajos Stróbl, revealed to the readers, but they can also see how the people of the 19th century thought and debated, what they considered beautiful and right, what they were different from or just similar to people now. The book, which is also rich in images, is both a colourful introduction and an exciting description of a period.
Colourful memento about a brilliant architect - The Postal Palace became the main work of Gyula Sándy
May 8, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Finding and viewing pieces of the architectural heritage of a city with a long history is an eternal tourist hit. Budapest stands out in this area mostly with the legacy of dualism and the two world wars: almost everyone have encountered the names of Miklós Ybl, Imre Steindl or Ödön Lechner, but if we dig deeper, it is impossible to list how many undeservedly lesser-known talents contributed to the decoration of the Hungarian capital. The building of the Buda Postal Palace, which adorns the south-western side of Széll Kálmán Square, is also connected to such a genius: a remarkable volume came out this year about Gyula Sándy's life and work, both from a professional and a layman's point of view.
The garden of revolution and love - A Museum Garden Guide from a new angle
April 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM
One of the most charming open-air venues in the city centre is the Museum Garden, which once again shines in its full splendour: looking at its sculptures and memorial plaques, or relaxing on one of the museum’s steps and benches, can reminds us of the rich past of this special historical site. This extraordinary richness is illustrated by a gap-filling publication, the Museum Garden Guide, which - worthy of its title - guides us through the garden, recalling the events of the past, with many surprises in store for the reader.
The Adria Palace in the storm of history
August 15, 2021 at 3:00 PM
The book titled Hazának használj! Az Adria-palota története [Help the Homeland! The History of the Adria Palace] was recently published, which not only presents the history of the nearly 120-year-old building in Szabadság Square, which is currently under renovation, but also provides an insight into the lives of the former owners and celebrities who lived here.
Downloadable album released about 90-year-old freeport in Csepel
January 11, 2021 at 1:11 PM
The 260-page publication showcases the 90-years history of the Csepel Freeport. Beyond photographs, the album contains unique historical documents.
Budapest and love
October 22, 2020 at 2:00 PM
A small collection of poems from Hungarian poets was published recently. Naturally, it is connected to Budapest. The pages of the booklet are decorated with pictures of statues found around Budapest.
Defined by Ybl and Lechner
October 15, 2020 at 6:00 PM
When asked to name Hungarian architects, most people will likely mention Miklós Ybl and Ödön Lechner. This is no coincidence; the two architects were prolific and important artists is their age. But how much do people know about their time and their contemporaries? The new volume Ylb és Lechner vonzásában provides information on these.
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