House of Hungarian Music

189466_magyar-zene-haza-07-cwcrf.jpg The House of Hungarian Music has opened in City Park On the occasion of the National Day of Hungarian Culture, the House of Hungarian Music, completed within the framework of the Liget Budapest Project, was ceremoniously handed over in City Park. The new institution, which opened in a special building, awaits the public from 23 January 2022 with interesting music programs, an exciting and interactive permanent exhibition of music history, and a three-day program series next weekend.
The imposing building of the Hungarian House of Music in Városliget has been completed The House of Hungarian Music was built in Városliget. Opening on 22 January with an interactive music history exhibition, the building will have a triple function: hosting concerts, dance halls and community music, providing space for education and music pedagogy, as well as interactive permanent and temporary exhibitions, a sound field and a creative sound space.
Rondo to be restored amid continuing works in City Park Városliget Promenade will be rebuilt. The Rondo, the historical entrance of City Park, will be restored, and a new part of the park will be created between the House of Hungarian Music and the new Museum of Ethnography. Almost 80,000 square metres of green space will be renewed, and 200 new deciduous trees planted by the spring of 2022. In addition, hot air balloons will once again rise from Mimóza Hill in City Park.
CNN lists House of Hungarian Music among most anticipated buildings of 2021 CNN has listed the House of Hungarian Music being built in City Park as one of the most anticipated buildings of 2021 globally. The structure will serve as a museum, event venue and educational centre.
House of Hungarian Music wins international prize The House of Hungarian Music has been named the best musical real estate development project in the world at the Music cities Awards in the United States. The building is now structurally complete, and the most spectacular parts of its construction are nearing finalisation.
Spectacular roof of the House of Hungarian Music completed – The building is structurally complete One of the most spectacular roofs in Europe has been completed within the Liget Budapest Project. The House of Hungarian Music is now structurally complete in the City Park. The institution to open at the end of 2021 will operate as an exhibition, and performance venue and centre for music education.

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