Kodály körönd

March 6, 2023 at 7:30 PM
On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Gyula Andrássy, an outdoor photo exhibition presenting the history of Andrássy Avenue can be seen from 6 March on Andrássy Avenue, between Oktogon and Kodály Körönd. The pictures, which were placed on the candelabras, show how traffic and the function of the road have changed. The photos also bring to life important historical moments.
"Life without music is incomplete and not worth living", said Zoltán Kodály who was born 140 years ago
December 18, 2022 at 11:00 AM
Zoltán Kodály is one of the greatest figures in Hungarian music literature, who was not only an exceptionally talented composer but also a researcher and teacher. He began his work as a folk song collector in 1905 and presented his own works to the public in 1910, and Psalmus Hungaricus, written in 1923, was a huge international success. His music pedagogy method is still used in education today. The composer's former home on Kodály Körönd now houses the memorial museum named after him.
The gift of the King: the legend of the ten statues
September 25, 2022 at 3:30 PM
It has been 125 years since Franz Joseph gave ten statues to Budapest on 25 September 1897. Most of the statues are still elegant decorations of the city to this day, and Pestbuda reported about them several times. However, we have now looked into what could have prompted Franz Joseph to give a gift.
Gift of Franz Joseph - the statue of Miklós Zrínyi and Gábor Bethlen was inaugurated on Kodály Körönd 120 years ago
June 2, 2022 at 3:00 PM
King Franz Joseph decided 125 years ago to donate ten statues to the nation, and he himself would cover the costs of making public works of art that would depict the famous personalities of the Hungarians. The first two of these monuments were inaugurated 120 years ago on the Kodály Körönd, but today only the first of the statues of Miklós Zrínyi and Gábor Bethlen can be seen in its original location. On the occasion of the anniversary, we followed the fate of the statues of the Kodály Körönd in the last century.
Its construction has caused controversy, today it is one of the most elegant parts of the capital - the Andrássy Avenue
March 9, 2022 at 10:00 AM
One hundred and fifty years ago, on 9 March 1872, the contract was signed, with which the construction of the representative avenue of Pest, Andrássy Avenue, could actually begin. The design of the route strongly divided the public, with many seeing it as a luxury investment serving the needs of the aristocracy. Soon after its opening, it became clear that the result went beyond all gentlemanly whims: it was one of the most important urban development enterprises of the second half of the 19th century.
The facade of the beautiful MÁV apartment building on Kodály körönd is being renovated
November 26, 2021 at 11:00 AM
The renovation of the nearly 140-year-old MÁV apartment building in Kodály körönd can begin. They are restoring the facade of the state-owned property, replacing and repairing the doors and windows, while eliminating the risk of an accident.
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