
198376_336645087_1913635255665601_6734883270560711957_n_1_.jpg A musical smart bench was handed over in City Park The City Park promenade has been enriched with a smart bench playing the works of Liszt and Chopin. The musical smart bench was presented to Budapest by the Polish Institute to commemorate the world-famous composers of the two nations.
A promenade is being built on the banks of the Danube in Kelenföld In the southern section of Buda, a new pedestrian and leisure promenade with a width of 20-30 meters is expected to be built on the banks of the Danube in Kelenföld, recently a tender was announced for its design.
Leisure park opens in Gazdagrét The Kaptató Promenade sports and leisure park has opened in Gazdagrét in the 11th District. The park features a larger green area, an outdoor workout area, a dog park and a chess table.

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