XIII. district

193664_291771132_600746041775198_8637489348060712903_n.jpg There will be a community garden in Szent István park In the 13th district's Szent István park, in the area between Pozsony road and Hollán Ernő street, the corner plots, which have been surrounded by low fences until now, will be turned into a community garden. The basketball court will also be renovated.
The Budapest General Assembly has decided on new street names - From now on, there will be a Horn Gyula promenade Is it allowed to name a street in Budapest about a controversial politician? This was one of the most important issues at today's meeting of the City Assembly. Finally, the board voted to have the Horn Gyula promenade in the 13th district.
Budapest was enriched with new monuments A 13th district real estate and a 21st district complex was declared a monument, thus further expanding the list of monuments in the capital. In addition to a number of rural properties published in the Hungarian Gazette last Friday, the service buildings of the residential building at 20 Kartács Street and the Kvassay Lock adjacent to the Kvassay Bridge received monument protection.
The 13th district Vizafogó park was handed over On Tuesday, the 13th district Vizafogó park was handed over. The area is called an eco-park, ie during the planning process, special attention was paid to making it ecologically sustainable. A new artificial lake one and a half meters deep has also been created, which also serves as the main visual element.
A statue was erected for György Szepesi, the legendary sports reporter György Szepesi, the legendary sports reporter and the "twelfth member" of the Golden Team, was born in Angyalföld a hundred years ago.

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