The renovation of Chain Bridge has reached a new phase: the pedestrian underpass in Pest will be closed on Friday. However, due to increased bicycle traffic caused by the coronavirus epidemic, the Buda underpass will remain open until mid-June, when the bridge will be closed to all traffic, the Budapest Transport Center (BKK) told the MTI on Thursday.

The pedestrian underpass in Pest will be closed for the remained of the renovation (Photo:

According to the announcement, on Friday, 16 April, the contractor who won the public procurement procedure, AHíd Zrt., will take control of the entire work area. Their work began on 17 March and included closing off the surroundings of the bridgeheads and the footpaths sidewalks. Since then, it has not been possible to cross Chain Bridge on foot. The situation will remain unchanged until the bridge is reopened in 2023. Road traffic will return to the bridge in December 2022, after being diverted in the summer.

During the renovation of the Chain Bridge, the pedestrian underpasses at the bridgeheads will be widened, the stairs at the bridgeheads will be rebuilt, and the area renovated. The remaining steel structures will be repaired and protected against rust, and the historical railings of the pedestrian walkways restored.

The bridge is to be opened to road traffic in December 2022 (Photo: MTI/Márton Mónus)

As indicated, the construction of the scaffolding will start in a few days, and the bus parking area in Pest will gradually be closed in the coming weeks. The Chain Bridge will be closed to road traffic in mid-June. Until then, day buses 16 and 105 and night buses 916 and 990 will use the bridge.

Due to the closure of pedestrian walkways, BKK day and night buses between Clark Ádám Square and Széchenyi István Square can be used free of charge.

The Chain Bridge, one of the most important symbols of the capital and Hungary, opened in 1849, was last renovated more than three decades, between 1986 and 1988. 

Source: MTI | Abridged in translation

Cover photo: Chain Bridge seen from Buda, opposite Széchenyi Square, in the background St. Stephen's Basilica (Photo: Both Balázs/