The MTI reports that the exhibition presenting the 250-year history of Semmelweis University was opened on 26 September 2020 at the Semmelweis Museum of the History of Medicine in Budapest. The exhibits include an X-Ray machine from the beginning of the 20th century, a grade register including the name Ignác Semmelweis, the twin-monster dissection prepared by József Lenhossék, and equipment for animal experiments used by Endre Hőgyes.
The Faculty of Medicine of the Nagyszombat University (present-day: Trnava, Slovakia) founded by Péter Pázmány was established on 7 November 1769 by the decree of Queen Maria Theresa. The first academic year began on 8 November 1770. The exhibition entitled from Nagyszombat to Klinikák – Teaching, Tradition and Innovation has been opened to commemorate the 250-year anniversary of this – writes the release.
The building of Semmelweis University, 26 Üllői road, before 1909 (Photo:
Beyond showcasing the history of the institution, the exhibition brings the educational, research and healing work underway at the university to life with digital solutions.
The first and last displays of the exhibition form a frame of its story. The first contains a few items connected to the founding of the university, while the final one showcases the developments of the last few decades. The 250-year history of the institution can be tracked through a timeline of events between these two points.
Medical artefacts on display (Photo: Semmelweis Medical History Museum)
The exhibition emphasises teachers who played an active role in university life, found new paths in academic research, and served as role-models as educators. Displays contain artefacts connected to Sámuel Rácz, Pál Kitaibel, Lajos Arányi, János Bókai, János Balassa, Ignác Semmelweis.
Digital displays showcase the life of Ignác Semmelweis and give a feeling of what it may have once been like to participate in University celebrations wearing a robe and ceremonial dress.
Touch screens provide details of internationally respected research results born within the walls of the university. The old and new interiors of the university can be explored digitally, and several objects connected to the institution's history are on display, including the Rector's Sceptre, and the founding document of the university. The exhibition will be on display until 30 June 2021.
Source: MTI
Cover photo: The Semmelweis Museum of Medical History in the building where Ignác Semmelweis was born (Photo:
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