What was once the "New Building" of the University of Physical Education is currently being demolished – reports the University website, tf.hu. The building under 44 Alkotás Street and the remnants of the sports hall next to it that burnt down in 2015 will soon disappear from the area.

The demolition of the University's old building photographed by a drone (Photo: Gergely Vidor/tf.hu)

The demolition work can also be seen from the street (Photo: pestbuda.hu)

The five-storey building on Alkotás Street was completed in 1987. While modern at the time it can no longer support the requirements of modern university life, thus it is being torn down as part of the campus development programme.

Az Alkotás utcai fronton​ fekvő épületkomplexum 1987-ben épült (Fotó: tf.hu)

The building complex as seen from Alkotás Street in 1987 (Photo: tf.hu)

The campus development efforts currently underway are being carried out in the area bordered by Alkotás Street – Győri Road – Kiss János Altábornagy Road. A new indoor athletics hall, gymnasium and ball-game court will be constructed, as will a 50-metre swimming pool. A 400-metre-long open-air athletics centre with eight running lanes will be built alongside Csörsz Road together with a full-sized football pitch and athletics fields and two outdoor tennis courts. A hotel with 53 rooms will also be constructed.

The new campus will ensure that educators and students can work in am environment more befitting a university.

A video of the demolition can be seen on Youtube.

Cover photo: Building of the University of Physical Education being torn down (Photo: Gergely Vidor/tf.hu)