After Széllkapu Park opening in August last year, the renovation and transformation of Millenáris Park, which will change several buildings, began this year, writes.
Government decree 1030/2021 (II.5) published in the 15 February 2021 issue of the Official Hungarian Gazette notes that the site shall be the venue of the Álmo Álmodói – Világraszóló magyarok 2.0 ('Dreamers of Dream – Internationally renowned Hungarians') exhibition to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the park's opening. The decree orders ministers to begin preparations for the exhibition.
Renders of the rebuilt reception hall (Source: ÉTDR)
The most spectacular element of the current renovation will be the transformation of the Reception Building (G-building) in the middle of Millenáris. The building was built in 1909 according to the plans of Pál Lipták. According to millená, the building's exterior will be restored to the same design approved 20 years ago. It will reopen as a multifunctional exhibition space in Q1 2022. The characteristics of the listed monument will be unchanged by the work.
The Reception Hall, a listed monument (Photo: Facebook / Mihály Varga)
Renovation works are also being carried out on buildings B, C, C2 and D. The glass roof of the Main Hall will be replaced due to several leaks. The service rooms of the Millenáris Underground Garage and the Kerengő building have to be renovated to preserve their condition.
The glass roof is being replaced (Photo: Facebook / Mihály Varga)
The old Ganz factory units were unused before the renovation. The government began the project in 2014. The Ganz factory was once bordered by Margit Boulevard – Lövőház Street – Ezredes Street – Kis Rókus Street in the 2nd District. The current Main Hall became a nearly 5,000-square-metre exhibition hall with the partial demolition of two factory buildings and the addition of a modern connecting building.
Kis Rókus Street, the assembly hall of the Ganz factory (today an exhibition centre), was once used to build generators, 1922 (Photo: Fortepan)
Szélkapu Park was completed last year (Photo:
Cover photo: The listed monument in Millenáris Park will retain its original character and structure after the renovation (Photo: Facebook)
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