A moving image was taken from the collection of the Fortepan archives using a photo taken in Budapest. The staff of the Animatiqua studio made the motion picture about its demolished buildings that were destroyed during World War II or the 1956 War of Independence, writes MTI, according to the studio's statement.

The Industrial Hall in the City Park (Source: Disappeared Budapest Part 3 / Animatiqua)

Among other things, the building of the old National Theater, the rolling Danube, the bubbling fountain, the tram rolling on the former Elizabeth Bridge or the stream of the Devil's Ditch flowing in Tabán come to life. 

Ferenc boulevard (Source: Disappeared Budapest Part 3 / Animatiqua)

Many buildings in Budapest have disappeared partly due to the destruction of the war and partly as a victim of political concepts related to the "Sovietization" after 1945, says Sándor Sólymos, former rector of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and current historian of the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts. “Even on the site of the old National Theater, there is still an strange space, the design of which was explained by the construction of the metro at the time. The theater of the nation and the tradition it embodied were in the way of the Soviet regime, ”he added.

The old National Theater building in 1893 (Photo: Fortepan / ID: 82344)

This will be the studio's third short film to bring old Budapest to life. As a novelty, this time more attention was paid to the former residents of the capital. In the film, the spatial effect was enhanced by the inclusion of moving elements. The production took almost 600 man-hours and about 30 pictures
 processed, in some cases using 3D technology. Parts obscured by trees, people, or vehicles have either been replaced or recreated from other sources, relying on repetitive patterns, the statement said.

The short film can be viewed at this link.

Source: MTI

Cover photo: The former Karátsonyi Palace (Source: Disappeared Budapest Part 3 / Animatiqua)