Markusovszky Square in Ferencváros can be renewed. In the area of 9,000 square meters between Kinizsi, Köztelek and Biblia streets and Üllői road, a park with modern rest areas, a playground and a dog runner will be created.

Recreation park will be established (source: TSPC Group)

The most important task during the planning was to remove the unused parts of the space and update it in all respects, to open this area to the citizens and visitors of Ferencváros, says architect Szilvia Könözsi, planning director of the TSPC Group, which also signs the Millennium Wind Gate. . Their goal was to make the space more personal and to make a significant qualitative shift in terms of features, green spaces and the space experience as well.

One of the goals of the design is to improve the space experience (source: TSPC Group) 

The TSPC concept design also takes into account a number of needs that have arisen during recent community planning. The people living in the area had the opportunity to form an opinion about how they imagined the use of the space. About 75 percent of the nearly 300 reviewers indicated that a resting function should be provided, with 62 percent considering it important to have a clean, modern, accessible public toilet in the area. About 60 percent of them consider the design of a playground important. The outdoor fitness park, dog runner and fountain were also on the list. A sports field, BUBI station, closed the line.

The area between Kinizsi, Köztelek and Biblia streets and Üllői road (source: TSPC Group)

The local government would alleviate the currently unsettled parking situation affecting the parking difficulties of the area and the area around it by setting up an underground garage. Thus, an underground garage with 120 parking spaces can be built under the entire park. It is planned that 24 surface bicycle storage facilities and 11 BUBI stations will be available in Markusovszky Square. 4,500 square meters of functional green space can be created in the square by planting more than fifty new trees.

Source: TSPC Group

Cover photo: Comprehensive concept plan for the renovation of Markusovszy Square (source: TSPC Group)