The renovated park on the site of the former Görgey school in Csepel will be named after Mária Wittner, a former member of parliament from Fidesz and an honorary citizen of Csepel, the 21st District Local Council informed MTI.

Lénárd Borbély, the mayor of Csepel, said in connection with the decision: Mária Wittner went through a lot of suffering, nevertheless, her life path is an example of the unconditional love of country and liberty, courage and non-compromise. Commemorating the victims of communism, she was a person of historical importance who lived with us and "a fragile woman with unbreakable pure morality and deep patriotism".

Mária Wittner (right) on 1 November 1956, in the 8th District

Corvin Lane (Photo: Balázs Both/

According to the statement, Mária Wittner's death a few days ago is an irreplaceable loss, which is why they decided to honour the hero of 1956. "To the woman who - according to my conviction - is a role model for the present and future generations because she was noble-spirited, devotional and was able to remain loyal to her country until death," said the mayor.

Source: MTI

Cover photo: Mária Wittner on 23 October 2016 (Photo: