The renovation of the facade of the Aladár Tóth Music School has been finished, so that the school building, completed in 1874 based on the plans of Frigyes Feszl, now shines in its original light. After this, the Terézváros Local Council will renovate the courtyard shared with the Erkel school, reports

When restoring the facade of the school building under 19-21 Szív Street in the 6th District, the goal was to make it look as similar as possible to the original. 

The renovated facade of the school at 19-21 Szív Street (Photo: Aladár Tóth Music School)

It was also announced on the district's website that since the end of September, a major transformation has been taking place in the courtyard. The Szív Street music school and the Ferenc Erkel Elementary School at 20 Felső Erdősor Street, which is located in the parallel street, have a common courtyard, which is 700 square metres. This courtyard is now being reborn. "In the next five months, the asphalt will be replaced by a safer, coloured rubber covering and the sidewalk connecting to the school building will be renovated. At the two ends of the courtyard - in accordance with the current use - there will be a playground and a recreation yard, and in the middle, students will be able to use a running track, as well as a volleyball and basketball court, painted in different colours. Plants planted in pots will also be placed in the inner courtyard of the two schools, and an old decorative fountain will be restored to its original state," reports on the planned works.

The school courtyard is being transformed (Photo:

On the website of the Aladár Tóth Music School, it can be read that the building is located in an area of historical importance, in the historical environment of Andrássy Avenue, and is under district protection. It is written about the history of the building that the plot was bought by the city in 1871, and already in 1872, an application for a building permit was submitted for an elementary folk school. The designers were Frigyes Feszl (1821-1884) and László Feszl (1847-1914).

Cover photo: The facade of the Aladár Tóth Music School in Terézváros has been renewed (Photo:
