November is the month for planting trees. In some places hundreds of saplings are being planted, while in other areas, single missing trees are being replaced – writes Most of the saplings – about 150 false acacia – are being placed in the dividing green belt on Pusztaszeri Road between the Szemlő-Hegyi Cave and the Törökvész Road roundabout.

Gardeners are planting about thirty trees in Csévi Street (goldrain trees) and Törökvész út (ash). Attempts are being made to plant replacement saplings in the place the original trees stood, if possible, or nearby, depending on the terrain.

Through a joint effort of the 2nd District Local Council and the 10 millió Fa ('10 million trees') organisation, linden trees were planted along the road leading to the Gercsei Church. Twenty-two of the thirty small-leaved lindens planned were planted on 6 November. The remaining eight trees were put in place on 14 November.

Plants in tubs are also being placed in. areas closer to the city centre. The local council has ordered tubs and pots to be placed on Kapás Street and Frankel Leó Street in front of the synagogue. Locals will water the plants in these.

Plants in tubs on Frankel Leó út (Photo:

The Council ordered the removal of a concrete foundation that once served as the base of a bottle bank and recyclable waste collection island at the end of Törökvész út. Although the collection containers were removed years ago, many people still left waste on the concrete slab.

Trees instead of concrete (Photo:

The new plants are expected to change this. Two new ash trees and bushes have taken the place of the concrete base. Once the trees grow stronger, the area will be tidier and greener.


Cover photo: Trees being planted in Buda (Photo: