Pilisi Parkerdő ZRT announced the development plans to the MTI on Thursday, stating that a thematic playground and outdoor gym would be added to the green, and unveiled to visitors in April.

The company began renewing Nagyrét in 2019 by creating a standard-sized handball pitch on the site of the burnt-down Nagyrét Café.

A consortium formed by Pilisi Parkerdő and the Hungarian Hiking Association will continue developing the area this year. Work began earlier this week.

A playgorund and outdoor gym will be built on Nagyrét (Photo: parkerdo.hu)

Expanding the services offered on Nagyrét is also beneficial because an increasing number of people have looked to the outdoors for healthy recreation options during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The playground is being built on the site of earlier demolished buildings. Its installations have been designed by sculptors to fit harmoniously into their natural surroundings.

A slew of toys, including climbings ropes, swings and spring toys, will await children.

Work has begun on Nagyrét (Photo: parkerdo.hu)

An outdoor gym will be added along the existing footpath. The outdoor gym will offer a total of 12 stations in an island-like layout. 

Source: MTI | Abridged in translation

Cover photo: Playground and outdoor gym to be built in Nagyrét, Hűvösvölgy (Photo: parkerdo.hu)