Ujbuda.hu reports that the park among the tower blocks built in the 1970s between Tétényi Road and Fejér Lipót street has been renovated in the 11th District.
According to the district’s website, no trees were cut down during the rehabilitation of the 12,000-square-foot area, while 16 new ones were planted. Plant beds were created along the main pathways and rest areas.
A walkway with rest areas runs around the park (Photo: ujbuda.hu)
Pavings in poor condition were torn up, and grass panted in the place. The sports courts were re-paved, and goal posts added to the basketball and handball court. A ball net was added to its fencing and a drinking fountain installed.
Top view of the park (Photo: ujbuda.hu)
During the modernisation, a walkway was built around the park. The main sidewalks were paved, and 16 new bins, six chairs and 18 cubes were installed. A pergola-covered meeting place was created between the tower blocks on Fejér Lipót Street.
Source: ujbuda.hu | Abridged in Translation
Cover photo: The park between Tétényi Road and Fejér Lipót Street renovated in Újbuda (Photo: ujbuda.hu)
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