An indoor bike track is being built in Kőbánya, in the Sportliget ('sports park'). A 4,500-square-metre, metal-supported tent will be erected at the sports grounds on Hangár Street in which the 200-metre wooden track will be placed. The venue will serve the needs of professional athletes, youth training and leisure. Children can learn the basics of cycling, regardless of the weather in the velodrome.

BringArena render (Source: BringArena)

Although the Kőbánya BringAréna cannot be compared to an indoor hall capable of hosting international competitions and accommodating thousands of spectators, it is still a huge step forward in the life of the sport in Hungary. A 200-metre-long, 6-metre-wide, canted wooden track will be placed in the 4,500-square-metre, metal-framed tarpaulin hall. A tunnel will provide safe access to the centre of the hall. Visitors will be able to watch those practising from a stand with 100 seats. Toilets and changing rooms will be available inside.

The course will be 200 m long (Source: BringaArena)

The building will not be heated due to the nature of the tent, but will be open 300 days a year.

The investment will be implemented from a government grant of  700 million HUF. The Kőbánya local council will provide the one and a half hectare plot in the area of Sportliget for 15 + 5 years.

Cover photo: The indoor cycling track will be established in Kőbánya, at the Hangár Street Sports Complex (Source: BringAréna)